CSS ::before and ::after

On this page are a couple of examples demonstrating what you can do with ::before and ::after pseudo-elements in CSS.

The examples use unprefixed CSS. For older browsers you might want to put the CSS through autoprefixer.

CSS3 syntax


CSS2 syntax



Photo in the examples is the main entrance of Rotterdam central station, The Netherlands taken by Walter Ebert.

Adding quotation marks

A random quote

Ein willkürliches Zitat

q {quotes: "\201e" "\201d";}
q:lang(de) {quotes: "\00bb" "\00ab";}
q::before {content: open-quote;}
q::after  {content: close-quote;}

<q>A random quote</q>

<q lang="de">Ein willkürliches Zitat</q>

Creating a speech bubble

Speech bubble text
.bubble {position: relative; background: #ddd; border-radius: 10px; border-bottom-right-radius: 0; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 40px; padding: 20px;}
.bubble::before {position: absolute; content: ""; display: block; bottom: -20px; right: 0; background: #ddd; width: 20px; height: 20px;}
.bubble::after {position: absolute; content: ""; display: block; bottom: -40px; right: 0; background: #fff; width: 40px; height: 40px; border-radius: 20px;}

<div class="bubble">Speech bubble text</div>

Making a tile clickable

.excerpt {position: relative;}
.excerpt a::before {content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0;}

/* Alternatively you can also use ::after instead of ::before */
.excerpt a::after {content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0;}

<article class="excerpt">
  <img src="thumbnail.jpg" alt="Centraal Station Rotterdam">
  <h2><a href="https://station.gallery/2018/03/23/rotterdam-the-netherlands/">Title</a></h2>
  <time datetime="2018-03-23T20:18:54+01:00">23th March 2018</time>

Darken an image

Centraal Station Rotterdam

Centraal Station Rotterdam
(with dark background)

Centraal Station Rotterdam
(with dark gradient)

::before does not work with replaced elements like <img>.

.tile {display: inline-block; position: relative;}
.tile h3 {color: #fff; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; margin: 0; padding: 1em 2em; display: flex; align-items: center; text-align: center;}
.tile img {float: left; max-width: 100%; height: auto;}
.tile--darken::before {content: ""; display: block; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);}
.tile--dark-gradient h3 {align-items: flex-end;}
.tile--dark-gradient::before {content: ""; display: block; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; background: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6), transparent);}

<div class="tile">
  <h3>Centraal Station Rotterdam</h3>
  <img src="background.jpg" alt="">

<div class="tile tile--darken">
  <h3>Centraal Station Rotterdam</h3>
  <img src="background.jpg" alt="">

<div class="tile tile--dark-gradient">
  <h3>Centraal Station Rotterdam</h3>
  <img src="background.jpg" alt="">

Defining a 16:9 ratio

.ratio-16-to-9, .ratio-4-to-3 {position: relative; overflow: hidden;}
.ratio-16-to-9::after {content: ""; display: block; padding-top: 56.25%;}
.ratio-4-to-3::after {content: ""; display: block; padding-top: 75%;}
.ratio-16-to-9 img, .ratio-4-to-3 img {position: absolute; width: auto; height: auto; min-width: 100%; min-height: 100%; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%);}
/* object-fit would be nicer, but not supported by IE ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ */
/* .ratio-16-to-9 img, .ratio-4-to-3 img {object-fit: cover;} */

<article class="excerpt">
  <div class="ratio-16-to-9">
    <img src="thumbnail.jpg" alt="Centraal Station Rotterdam">
  <h2><a href="https://station.gallery/2018/03/23/rotterdam-the-netherlands/">Image shown with a 16:9 ratio </a></h2>
  <time datetime="2018-03-23T20:18:54+01:00">23th March 2018</time>

<article class="excerpt">
  <div class="ratio-4-to-3">
    <img src="thumbnail.jpg" alt="Centraal Station Rotterdam">
  <h2><a href="https://station.gallery/2018/03/23/rotterdam-the-netherlands/">Image shown with a 4:3 ratio</a></h2>
  <time datetime="2018-03-23T20:18:54+01:00">23th March 2018</time>

Adding a hover effect

Centraal Station Rotterdam

::before does not work with replaced elements like <img>.

.tile {display: inline-block; position: relative;}
.tile--hover::before {box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 160px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); content: ""; display: block; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; transition: all 300ms;}
.tile--hover:hover::before {box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);}
.tile--hover h3 {opacity: 1; transition: all 300ms;}
.tile--hover:hover h3 {opacity: 0;}

<div class="tile">
  <h3>Centraal Station Rotterdam</h3>
  <img src="background.jpg" alt="">

Preventing right-clicking to download images

Broadgate Venus Statue

::before does not work with replaced elements like <img>.

.prevent-image-download {display: inline-block; position: relative;}
.prevent-image-download::before {content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0;}

<span class="prevent-image-download"><img src="image.jpg" alt=""></span>