
This book is a presentation on the Münster City Library, a design by Peter Wilson, Julia Bolles-Wilson and Eberhard Kleffner. The library was built 1987-1993 in Münster, Germany.

The information you can find is divided into different types of media. Through different representations of the building and/or its concepts we hope to explain how the building was designed and built. The first way to explore the library is by looking at it. We have presented the photos in two different ways. You can see a map of the building and choose the sides you want to see or see the photos all at once in our photobook. We made a history of the building. In this history the building will be briefly explained. If you want original explanation, read the interview with Peter Wilson. To know what people think of the library we have collected some quotes. If you want to find out more about the design, take a look at the bibliography or the links.

If you have any comments let it know.

This site was originally made for a project at the University of Technology Eindhoven, Netherlands, Faculty of Building and Architecture.

The makers of this site were:
Walter Ebert Peter Bremer Paul Simons